New AYCH logo with 2 colours .jpg

EU AA INTERREG Project - International Incubation

Synthesising of a complex EU INTERREG Atlantic Area technical brief document for real world application and engagement across all international partners and levels of the organisations. 

Bringing together all partner thinking and designing a consistent scalable business model across all partners and after programme completion.

This project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme.

Project Deliverables

  • Professional Synthesis of technical bid document

  • Business Model Visual  - Clear business package and concept

  • Delivery Method Visual - Clear strategy, approach and deliverables

  • Business Offer Visual - Clear offer, participants journey and development stages

  • Digital Resource and Marketing Tools - Practical brand communications package

  • International Language Translations - All work translated into x4 languages



Devon County Council is the Lead Partner for a European project called Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs (AYCH). AYCH is a complex project because of its scope, partnerships, networks, aspirations and terminology. The entirety of AYCH is described in a highly technical Project Approval Form (PAF) 56 pages of dense English text.

UK Partners and European (Spanish, French and Portuguese) partners identified the need for a universal understanding across all levels of AYCH to be achieved by a synthesis of the PAF into a more visual format which was clear, practical, engaging and easily translated. The content needed to be suitable for web-based, tablet and smart phone use and for print. We also wished to integrate these visualisations into the Atlantic Hubs website which the Communications and Marketing lead are currently upgrading. In addition, we required design and print-ready information brochure designs for digital online use as well as print, which communicate the three visuals. 

Dan’s synthesis distilled the 56 pages of almost impenetrable text in to three unambiguous diagrams. The visualisations have had a positive impact on our internal communication and improved our common understanding. As project coordinator for 13 transnational locations, where most partners are not working in their first language, the visualisations have helped to clarify AYCH which reduces friction and saves time. In turn, the visualisations are enhancing our collaborative working by acting as an accessible ‘touchstone’ in addition to the PAF and the Deliverables Tracker, our other key documents. As we move towards the final phase of the project, we envisage the visualisations as an integral part of our Consolidation Work Package or legacy phase which will help to inform and influence following projects.

Dan Underwood provided excellent first drafts developed through his own synthesis of the PAF. We then worked to fine-tune them with Dan on the Visualisations before translation to the four languages. As the Project Coordinator I was extremely pleased with the final deliverables, the working relationship and the value for money.

- Oenone Thomas (Project Coordinator for Atlantic Youth Creative Hubs - AA INTERREG EU Project)